

If your primary investing objective is to preserve capital while generating a tax-free income stream, municipal bonds are worth considering. Municipal bonds (munis) are debt obligations issued by government entities. When you buy a municipal bond, you are loaning money to the issuer in exchange for a set number of interest payments over a predetermined period.

Credit Offers Benefits

Investing in the debt of companies, also called credit fixed income, can offer benefits. Typically, the returns corporate bonds offer is higher than those from cash and government bonds over time and may provide diversification. However, credit is a wide-ranging area. Detailed thought and analysis is required to make sure each investment opportunity stacks up. In today’s connected world a global view is helpful to get the full picture, and to provide diversification.

Worldwide Resources

Zinox has a highly experienced team of credit experts based all over the world. We research companies thoroughly and use state-of-the-art tools and techniques to crunch the numbers and seek to make the best investment decisions for our clients.

Diversity Of Choice

We have a diverse range of credit funds. Our products span geographic regions and offer the ability to meet a variety of investment outcomes. Please note: all products are available in every market. Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. A rise in interest rates generally causes bond prices to fall. A decline in the financial health of an issuer could cause the value of its bonds to fall or become worthless.

Managing Risk Through Rigorous Due Diligence

Our investors and borrowers see us as a trusted partner, helping drive business growth across market cycles. We have an ability to provide creative structures to borrowers while minimising downside risk through our rigorous approach to due diligence and credit selection. We are highly selective in our approach and close on less than 5% of originations. We are equally focused on monitoring our credit risk across our portfolios, which has enabled us to minimise our default rate while maximising long term returns.

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